The three-legged stool with LifeVantage Daily Wellness
Supporto immunitario proattivo, non recupero reattivo
Like a three-legged stool, our immune system has 3 essential roles, or legs: the barrier, the innate, and the adaptive. With the targeted use of key vitamins and nutrients, we can help all 3 to keep immune health in balance!
LifeVantage Daily Wellness is formulated with 5 ingredients to
support the balance of all 3 roles for a healthy immune system.
5 per prosperare
These 5 ingredients help support your immune system. Vitamins C and D and zinc have been scientifically shown to support the immune system. Traditional uses of elderberry include normalizing gastrointestinal tract function, supporting healthy body temperature and sweating during acute immune challenges, and supporting the body’s resilience during the difficult winter months. Elderberries are rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. The use of fermented yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is a growing trend. It is believed to be beneficial for a healthy immune system and to balance and strengthen the immune response.
5 to Thrive – Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Fermented Yeast Extract, Elderberry, and Zinc.
Each of these ingredients has been used to help support the 3 systems of immune strength: barrier, innate, and adaptive.
Taste & Formula
In addition to being packed with vitamins and nutrients that support your immune system and overall well-being, LifeVantage® Daily Wellness is also delicious, with the sweet and subtle taste of elderflower açai. This clear and well-tolerated formulation is non-GMO, vegetarian-friendly and allergen-free and is taken daily.
Delicious and nutritious, it’s just one step you can take to proactively support your immune system and keep feeling great all year round.
Ingredienti del LifeVantage Daily Wellness :
- Vitamina C: Antiossidante necessario per la crescita di tutti i tessuti corporei e coinvolto nell'assorbimento del ferro, nel corretto funzionamento del sistema immunitario e nel mantenimento di cartilagine, ossa e denti.*
Vitamina D: Contribuisce al mantenimento delle funzioni più importanti dell'organismo, come la regolazione dell'assorbimento di calcio e fosforo e la facilitazione delle normali funzioni del sistema immunitario*.
Zinco: Un oligoelemento essenziale necessario per la corretta crescita e il mantenimento del corpo umano e presente in diversi sistemi cruciali per la risposta immunitaria*.
Sambuco: Conosciuta per l'elevato contenuto di vitamina C e di fibre alimentari, è un'ottima fonte di acidi fenolici, flavanoli e antociani*.
Estratto di lievito fermentato: Un ingrediente postbiotico che include proteine, fibre, polifenoli, vitamine, beta-glucani e metaboliti che, insieme, hanno dimostrato in studi clinici di supportare l'intestino e il sistema immunitario*.
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