Metabolism Essentials is a unique supplement stack that contains all the nutrients necessary to increase energy levels, burn fat, and support a leaner body composition.
PhysIQ Metabolism Essentials Stack Benefits:
Boost your energy, and support a leaner body composition. All LifeVantage PhysIQ Metabolism Essentials Stack benefits:
- Activates body’s ability to reduce oxidative stress and protect cells*
- Activates your body’s generation of cellular energy*
- Burns fat cells to boost physical energy*
- Helps maintain healthy metabolism and lean body composition*
- Supports healthy blood glucose levels, already in the normal range*
 Stop Feeling Tired and Start Losing Weight Today. Metabolism Essentίals™
Metabolism Essentials Ingredients
All about the LifeVantage PhysIQ Metabolism Essentá½·als Stack ingredients.
Healthy body stack
This healthy-body stack: Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer® activates your body’s ability to fight oxidative stress, which has been linked to changes in weight. Protandim® NRF1 Synergizer® helps ensure ample supply of cellular energy is on hand to fuel your body. And PhysIQ Fat Burn supports your body’s natural ability to burn fat and get lean, making it a perfect partner, especially if you’re increasing your physical activity.
Healthy metabolism
Metabolism Essentá½·als Stackâ„¢ helps you manage your weight and feel more energetic. It contains supplements that support a healthy metabolism.