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Worldwide Shipping

Worldwide shipping of our products is like a global highway system. It connects us to customers from all corners of the world, allowing our products to reach every destination efficiently and effectively.


Global Purchase Program

LifeVantage products are now available to customers in over 220 countries!

If you live outside the US and would like to enjoy LifeVantage products, register now with our selected third-party shipping and importation company, MyUS.

The Process is Simple – Here’s How It Works

Exclusive Global Shipping

Register with LifeVantage’s exclusive MyUS program. We will assign you a personal US shipping address, including a suite number.

You MUST enroll through LifeVantage’s exclusive program with MyUS to enjoy special shipping discounts, rewards and/or other perks. Signing up with MyUS directly will not include you in this program.

Shop the US LifeVantage website for products that are not currently available in your local market and have them shipped to your MyUS personal suite address for personal use.

You will also enjoy sales tax-FREE purchases when shopping with any US merchants and shipping to your MyUS personal US shipping address.

When your package(s) arrive at the MyUS facility, the contents are inspected, and you are alerted that your purchases are ready for forwarding.

In the MyUS member center, you can optionally consolidate multiple packages purchased in the US (for free) and then create a ship request to send your products to your country.

Inside your MyUS member portal, you can choose the option to consolidate multiple packages (this is a free service!). Simply create a ship request, decide whether to consolidate multiple packages from any of your purchases, and they will be shipped to your final destination.

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